The third volunteer morning took place on the 3rd of March. Lots of blue skies and a good mixture of volunteers, committee members and 3 people from the local “GoodGym” in Greenwich meant a lot of useful work completed.
More ivy clearance was undertaken and lots of young saplings were planted and heeled in. In addition to “common” species, crab apples” will be making an appearance!
The border with Tom Smith Close’s car park was also planted up by one of the group’s most active volunteers, Dave Larkin. There were still many saplings that need to be planted in the next few weeks. Logs from the bottom of the woodland were moved to The Glade area and will soon find a new purpose.
The blue sky definitely had a warming effect on the bee hives as there was a lot of activity here.
With Spring arriving in the next 3 weeks, it was nice to see some of the fruit trees starting to bud, including the photo of the pear tree.