It certainly didn’t look pleasant earlier on in the morning, but by 10 o’clock, the sun was coming out and a splash of blue sky had appeared. Around 15 or people turned up throughout the session, very impressive considering the deluge earlier!
As usual, with the warm(ish!), bright and wet days, the brambles were on the march. Weeding and removal took place around the entrance area, as well as in the Oak Glade area.

Another task was to stake an Elm tree that we had planted several years ago in the Glade area, but had drooped quite a bit. Committee member Nigel Duncan can be seen below making a wooden stake for its support. Further down, Paula can be seen next to the tree. Our Dutch-elm-disease-resistant elm trees were planted in 2016, 60 cm high, and is now 7-8 m tall. We hope it will recover well from its mishap.

Some of the children who joined the event found a smooth newt, found by two of our youngest volunteers, aged 6 and 7, near the roots of an apple tree not far from the pond.

Another task on the agenda was to continue work behind the beehives, with the installation of a liner and gentle slope with the ability to collect and store water, and allow for a more diverse range of plants to be grown in the area. The 3 beehives had plenty of activity when the sun came out later in the morning.

Finally, the apples in The Glade area are starting to grow. Last year’s crop was a bit disappointing, and recent heavy rains and winds had knocked a few smaller ones to the ground. But the below photo shows Bramley apples starting to grow nicely. Also, a Geranium has self-seeded right in the middle of The Glade. How it got there is a mystery!