Last Saturday’s volunteer session was a thin on volunteer numbers at the start of the morning (World Cup Football with England winning, as well as Wimbledon), but more people arrived at the morning went on.
The last 2 or 3 weeks has seen really warm, sunny days, with the grass in The Glade area now in full seed. In the August volunteer session, it’s expected that the scythe will be used. There’s a nice photo of volunteer Frank Smith with his socks covered in seeds after weeding in The Glade area!
As always at this time of the year, the bindweed and brambles are quickly growing, with 2 volunteers weeding The Mound, as well as the wild flower area in The Glade.
For the first time we also topped up our pond with water from the rain butt next to the shed. The water level didn’t look low, but surrounding vegetation is encroaching and will have to be dealt with next month. Additional watering of the tree saplings was also done.
The Spring flowers – red campion, bluebells and foxgloves have now seeded, which will hopefully allow for “free” plants in the local areas. Several clumps of red campion were also divided and planted along the footpath going towards The Glade, and in new “Mini Glade” at the top of The Mound.
Of course, no volunteer session is complete without a coffee break, the temperatures in the shade was almost 30 degrees, in the sun the chocolate biscuits melted!
There’s also a small video showing the entrance of the 3 hives, there was plenty of bee activity taking place. Finally, there was a butterfly in the area while we were having our coffee break, which appears to be a “Comma” butterfly; can anyone vouch for this?