Last Sunday’s Autumn Open Day event was yet another incredibly busy event. Certainly one of the most memorable items was that the temperature was more like a mid-Summer’s day, rather than the start of October. Perhaps this helped bring out the high numbers of visitors, both regulars and those who had never been here before. There was story telling by Richard Sylvester who kept children and adults entertained under a tent.

Although the apple trees produced a good crop this year, unfortunately this was 2 or 3 weeks ago, which meant there were none available. However some of the Bramley apples made a delicious home-made cake which was available to buy on the refreshments stall.

It was noted (see the accompanying photos) that one of the apple trees had apple blossom! Definitely not what you’d expect in October!

Continuing with the apple theme, committee member Henry Medlam organised apple bobbing activities.

With donations at the gate entrance and sales of refreshments and books, almost £200 was raised in funds, which all goes towards the general upkeep and maintenance of Westcombe Woodlands.