Author Archives: admin

Volunteer Day – Sunday 7th June 2015.

Today’s volunteer day was the first of 2 planned sessions for June, taking advantage of the warm weather and to build on by far the most important activity the organisation has seen for some time.  It has been our aim since we started to have improved access facilities to the woodland from the western side, and as a result of many hours of planning, today marked the first volunteer day where we can use our newly installed gate for access.

Volunteers going off to work!

Volunteers going off to work!

Our Sunday morning session started at the Lasseter Close side of the woodland.  On a hazy and humid morning we assessed that further weeding, path clearance and additional removal on non-native species would be today’s aims.

Part of this morning’s activity involved the further removal of non-native species.  As the woodland is surrounded on all sides by people’s gardens, it’s inevitable that plants sometimes find their way in to the woodland area.  Some may have arrived accidentally, others may have been deliberately planted for ornamental affect.


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Volunteer Day – Saturday 9th May 2015

Some of today's volunteers standing in The Glade area.

Some of today’s volunteers standing in The Glade area.

Overcast skies with a potential drop of rain didn’t discourage eight Westcombe Woodland members from turning up in the morning at our Maze Hill entrance to commence another volunteer day. When the skies cleared, warm sunshine greeted us to see how the woodland is progressing in mid Spring.  The main aim of today’s visit was more weed clearing in the “Glade” area. The recent warm days with increasing amount of sunlight, along with the rain has encouraged invasive brambles to grow at quite a rate. Further willowherb and other weeds were also cleared from around the glade area.

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Volunteer Day – Saturday 7th March 2015

Spring was definitely in the air for the woodland’s 2nd volunteer day of the year. Blue skies and sunshine greeted the 9 volunteers in the morning.

Tools of the trade!

Tools of the trade!

This morning work’s main aim on the Maze Hill side of the woodland was to undertake weed control. Previous volunteer days have shown that within just 4 or 5 weeks bramble and common nettle seeds are widely present in the top soil, and that digging over these areas allow fresh plants to germinate.




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Volunteer Day – Saturday 4th October 2014

The day started with being unusually warm and sunny when we arrived at the Maze Hill entrance, and ended up in torrential rain. Committee members arrived with several dozen native woodland plant plugs and several dozen plant plugs that are attractive for bees, which were generously funded by our grants.  Our plan for the day was to clear an area to the south of the orchard and get the plants in to the ground before colder weather sets in.  The photos below show the pluglets before they were put in to the ground.

One of the trays of plants, ready to be planted.

One of the trays of plants, ready to be planted.

Greater Knapweed pluglets.

Greater Knapweed pluglets.

Betony plants, all looking healthy.

Betony plants, all looking healthy.

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Volunteer Day – Saturday 7th June 2014.

Despite the ominous looking clouds and unfavourable weather conditions, this didn’t deter a dozen or so of Westcombe Woodlands’ volunteers to head to Lasseter Place for an early morning start.  Within moments of the 10:00 start a huge crash of thunder and heavy rain resulted in the team taking refuge under the roof of one of the volunteer’s garage.

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