Our first volunteer session in Spring was a wonderful day. Blue skies, warm temperatures and no wind made the outside conditions seem almost balmy for this time of year. This meant we could really get stuck in to the tasks of planting and weeding. Using funds from previous open days, we purchased more native plants to further enhance the existing woodland flora.
With the warmer temperatures, now is the ideal moment to new plants in before the soil starts to dry out, making it less likely plants will survive. Having purchased new plants, we also took existing plants such as established clumps of primroses and red campions and divided these in to smaller plants. An economical way to increase the woodland flora. However, there’s always a requirement to keep on weeding. The Glade area has a lot of bindweed, and this plant needs to be kept under control.

Freshly purchased native plants

Newly planted primroses among bluebells

Primroses with three cornered leeks in the background

Volunteer planting newly divided plants

Volunteer removing weeds
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